Mission & Vision

Human Rights Media puts the spotlight on human rights violations. We empower local media and human rights groups to raise the voices of people, in areas that are most difficult to reach.

Our mission:

The whole world seems connected through Twitter, Facebook and online news.  Still, there are areas where people don’t have internet, or even electricity. Areas the international media can hardly reach, while dictatorship or hardship rules.

We connect people in these areas to the international community, so people can raise their voices. At the same time we invest in education and development within these areas, for long term improvement of people’s living conditions.

All our activities are contributing to our mission; the protection and advancement of human rights, peace and freedom of the most unprivileged people and improvement of their living conditions. All our financial resources are directly aimed at achieving our mission.

Our vision:

By working closely with local media and human rights groups, we empower communities in very restricted areas by providing education, training, equipment, access to the international community or other support. People get access to education, will be able to raise their own voices, will become part of the international community and get encouraged to find ways towards a better life.


The Burma Action is one of our projects, providing education for children in East Burma. As education is the key to peace. With a small donation, you make a big change.

Policy Plan 2015 – 2018:

For more information, please read our multi-annual policy plan Beleidsplan Stichting Human Rights Media 2015 – 2018 (in Dutch). And our Financieel Verslag 2015.



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